How to Become a Prison Officer: Your Guide to a Rewarding Career in the UK
Becoming a Prison Officer offers a unique opportunity to contribute to public safety and rehabilitation within England’s criminal justice system. If you’re passionate about making a positive impact and ensuring the welfare of others, this career path could be the perfect fit for you. Here’s everything you need to know about starting this fulfilling journey. […]
How to Become an IT Professional in England: Qualifications and Skills for the Role
What is an IT Professional? An IT professional works with technology systems and networks, ensuring that businesses can run smoothly and efficiently. Roles within IT vary from software development and network management to technical support and cybersecurity. In the modern workplace, IT professionals are essential to a company’s success, helping to implement, maintain, and troubleshoot […]
How to Write a Resignation Letter
So, you’ve been offered a new job and have signed on the dotted line to accept. Now all that is standing in between you and your shiny new role is handing in your resignation letter to your current employer. While this isn’t usually the first step of quitting your job, you will no doubt have […]
Employers must stop the rot of the toxic workplace
Speaking last month while launching the #AppleToo movement, security engineer Cher Scarlett said she decided to collect and publish the toxic workplace stories of current and former Apple colleagues because leaders within the business were “not holding themselves accountable” for internal company hatred. That this has emerged within what is arguably the tech industry’s most secretive company […]
8 signs you’re ready to move on from your job
Now and then we all have days where we don’t like our jobs but there’s a big difference between feeling a bit blue on a Monday morning and actively hating your job. The former will most likely disappear over the course of the day, whereas the latter can be all-consuming. Do you dread getting up […]
How to ask for a pay rise
Talking about money is something many of us feel uncomfortable about which can make working out how to ask for a pay rise tricky. Yet whilst you might be willing to let off a mate who borrowed a tenner because you feel awkward asking for it back, you shouldn’t be willing to settle for being […]
9 questions to ask in a job interview
It’s pretty much a certainty that at some point in every interview you attend your potential new employer will ask if you have any questions. This gives you not only the chance to impress with how interested you are in the job but also to figure out if this is the right role and company […]
How to get self-promotion right
It’s a simple fact that no one likes a showoff. Listening to someone who is constantly bragging about themselves can be incredibly tedious, especially at work. However, self-promotion, if done right, can go a long way to opening the right career doors and can even help you get an actual promotion. The key is getting […]
Teeter-totter of life balance weighted by unpaid work
Despite the push in recent years to create better balance between our work and personal lives, the grind culture that has dominated for decades remains in ascendency. Its reign has no doubt been supported – perhaps even prolonged – by the aftermath of the banking crisis that left many either out of work or clinging […]
How to set professional development goals
Continuous learning and development is key to your professional growth, especially if you are hoping to move into a new role or get a promotion. It’s something that many of us have become more focused on recently, with a survey by the Sharp Corporation finding that 63% of workers under the age of 30 feel […]