What is a cover letter and why is it important?
You’ve more than likely applied to tens – maybe even hundreds of jobs in the past, and will have probably been asked to include a cover letter along with your CV for potential future employers to read. It would also be a fair assumption that upon seeing a company that wants you to fill out […]
What You’re Worth
If you don’t ask, you don’t get. It sounds simple enough but when times are hard, many of us won’t ask for a pay rise for fear of how our boss may react. Once you’ve received an offer for a job however, you are in a strong bargaining position. The employer obviously thinks you are […]
Five steps to increase productivity
We’ve all been there. It’s the end of a busy week and we look back only to find that our ‘to do’ list is not quite done; in fact, a lot of the boxes are unticked. When you’ve worked so hard, how can it be that you’ve missed goals? Well, it could be you’ve been […]
More space for women in engineering
A Careers on the Box report shows almost one in five of us make one of our biggest life decisions – a choice of job – based on TV role models. Pity then anyone looking in vein on [site_name] for a role as a Guardian of the Galaxy or Walking Dead zombie slayer. Thankfully, the […]
Ten ways volunteering can help your career
Volunteering offers that feel-good factor we all love, knowing that you’ve contributed to a worthwhile cause. All sorts of people volunteer for a whole range of reasons, but those who do tend to find it extremely rewarding, sometimes challenging but very varied. Taking on a voluntary role allows you to explore career options, meet […]
How to answer even the toughest interview questions
The interview is a golden opportunity to make a great first impression and convince a potential new boss that you really are the best person for the job. But what happens when they hit you with those tough questions? The good news is with the help of [site_name] you can be prepared for anything. So here’s […]
How to write a successful CV
It’s not just about finding the right job on [site_name], but making sure you get hired. Chances are you’ll have a CV, but does yours really help you stand out from the crowd? You only have a matter of seconds to make an impact with your CV. It’s your opportunity to sell yourself to […]
Five tell-tale signs it might be time for a new job
Deciding that the time is right for a new job can be a life-changing experience. The grass always seems greener on the other side, but is this simply a reaction to a bad day at the office or a sure sign you need to move on? If your current job is okay, you like […]