Love your lunch break
If you’re lucky enough to get a lunch break at work, are you using it effectively? Many people are guilty of eating at their desk or not taking the breaks they’re entitled to at all. Here’s some ways you can make your lunchbreak more productive, healthy and, most importantly, more fun! Step away from the […]
How to prepare for your first day in a new job
Congratulations, you’ve found your ideal job on [site_name] , accepted your contract and handed in your notice. All that’s left to do is actually start the job. You’re bound to be a little nervous, so here’s our guide to preparing for your first day in a new job and getting off to the best start […]
The year of the dog for your office
Today marks the celebration of Chinese New Year and the Year of the Dog in Chinese astrology. While the stars may offer predictions for the year ahead, could introducing your own furry friend into the workplace be a guarantee of health and happiness? Here are 5 surprising reasons why you may want to make 2018 […]
Making the right move
Thinking about moving on? Deciding on a move can be a life-changing experience. The grass always seems greener on the other side, but moving on could leave you jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. On the other hand, moving position could be exactly what your career needs. Evaluating your current situation […]
Mind the small print
Offer A verbal offer may be made to you initially, but before doing anything like handing in your notice, wait for the written offer and contract. This will also give you time to consider whether the job and the employer is right for you. Contract A contract of employment will normally be sent out along […]
The Personal Touch
Why network? You may find it surprising, but it is estimated that only a fraction of all available vacancies are advertised. Networking is a widely-used method of recruiting, as it is cheaper than advertising or using agencies. You need to get networking too, as it is a powerful way of building relationships that can assist […]
5 tips to stop procrastinating at work
It’s normal to procrastinate at work. Usually we do it because we’re avoiding a task that’s unpleasant or daunting. Here’s our 5 tips to help you get focused and get the job done. 1) Set achievable goals Writing down the specific task you’ve been putting off helps you get focused. Setting goals will give you […]
Do not get left behind this January
Twitter has revealed the most popular New Year resolutions among its users and topping the list is a vow to diet and exercise – not unusual after the indulgence of the Christmas holidays. This is followed by learning a skill or trying a new hobby. Also high in the list, however, is making a career […]
7 Great Tips On Interviewing Job Candidates
When a candidate turns up for a job interview, they’re totally focused on making sure they impress enough to convince someone they’re worth taking on as an employee. However, what they don’t realise is the interviewers themselves are usually just as nervous – and if anything – have to put in just as much effort […]
The office Christmas party etiquette
Got the office Christmas party coming up? Before you down tools and head off for some well-deserved fizz, read our top 5 tips for surviving the night with your dignity intact. 1) Don’t get drunk and tell colleagues what you really think of them Trust us, this won’t end well. You don’t need to […]