Put the spark back into your career
The Wildlife Aid Foundation is urging people in the UK to hold silent firework displays on Bonfire Night tonight to prevent the potential psychological damage the celebrations can have on animals. The charity, which is based in Leatherhead, Surrey, is dedicated to the rescue, care and rehabilitation of sick, injured and orphaned animals. They claim […]
The surprising benefits of volunteering
December 5th is International Volunteer Day, celebrating the many people who give up their time for various worthwhile causes for free. Volunteering can be a great way to get back into work, gain experience or boost your CV but there are other more subtle benefits as well. Here are some of the more surprising ways […]
Banish bullying in the workplace
You may think that bullying is something that only happens in the playground, but sadly bullying in the workplace is something many adults unexpectedly find themselves dealing with. At work, it can be a lot more subtle than the traditional name calling and physical threats you may first think of when someone mentions bullying. Although […]
Reducing Workplace Stress
Managing stress is important in the workplace. If you often feel stressed at work, you might be at risk of developing depression or anxiety. Stress can also make existing mental health problems worse. In honour of National Stress Awareness Day on the 1st of November, we’ve put together a guide on how to manage workplace […]
Resolving conflict in the workplace
How do you resolve conflict when it happens at work? If you’re starting to feel like you’re heading into a war zone rather than a workplace every morning, then you need our top tips for conflict resolution. Face the conflict head on Burying your head in the sand won’t make the disagreement go away […]
Telltale signs an employer is not the one
In the words of Love Island contestants, if a potential employer is not “your type on paper”, they might not be right for you at all. But with so many job opportunities out there, it can be hard figuring out which one will be your ideal fit – and there’s no spending two months in a villa in […]
Meet the team behind the stars
A new report has revealed Royal couple Kate and William often travel with a 14-strong entourage. As well as hairdressers and stylists, their staff includes PAs, logistics managers, tour managers and several press secretaries. We know being rich and famous is tough so having a little help here and there is essential. It’s not just […]
The easy way to get back in the saddle
Getting back into the swing of things at work following a long absence is never easy. There are a variety of reasons for taking time out: maternity leave, looking after a family, enjoying a gap year or even going through redundancy. But, whatever the circumstances, getting back in the saddle needn’t be a drama. Here are […]
The secret to earning respect
When things don’t go the way we want them to at work, the urge to throw a tantrum can be overwhelming. Just ask Jose Mourinho. The feisty Man United boss has previously stormed out of a post-match press conference after becoming irritated at the ‘lack of respect’ he gets from the media. Respect in the […]
Your top five opening lines
Excellent customer service is important, regardless of which sector you work in, from financial services to forestry and health to hospitality. And the one common factor is the ability to know what to say in sticky situations. So we’ve compiled a list of the top five things to say first, before any communication breakdown is […]