How to deal with disruptive behaviour
Sometimes employees’ actions can be a cause for concern, thankfully [site_name] has a five-step action plan. Talk It Through Bad timekeeping, missed goals and a lack of focus are all irritating, but they could also be a sign an employee is troubled by work or personal concerns. So before going all Alan Sugar on their case, […]
How to call time on latecomers
Sometimes it’s simply impossible to get to work on time and there are valid reasons: traffic gridlock, leaves on the line, the famously unpredictable British weather… Being late is not uncommon. One in four workers don’t make it to their workplace on time at least once a month, according to a survey conducted by CareerBuilder. […]
How to stay strong in festival season
How much do you love summer? Enough to hand in your notice and head off for a season working in some of the many events and festivals happening around the country? Just think about that for a minute: you could go to some of the hottest gigs in the UK, hear headline acts and soak […]
Survive summer even if you are stuck inside
There’s nothing worse than being stuck at work when it’s nice outside. Especially in the UK when it feels like the one day of sun always seems to fall on the day you happen to be working. Especially when social media is full of smug people who seem to all have the day off. Especially […]
Top 5 summer jobs
While many of your friends are busy packing their bikini, factor 50 and a good book, you’re getting a head start on your career. That’s right. By the end of the summer holidays, when everyone else is sunburned and skint, you’ll have gained invaluable work experience, networked with the best contacts and have a rather […]
Enter the danger zone
Here in the UK, unless you choose to opt out, you can’t work more than 48 hours a week on average. And, if you’re under 18, you can’t work more than 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week. However, working too long isn’t the only hazard employees face. There are some jobs that […]
How to go green in the office
David Attenborough’s recent stark warnings on plastic pollution and climate change have inspired a new wave of eco-minded campaigns, including a determination to ban plastics from everyday use. It could mean the last straw for plastic consumerism but it’s also a call for forward-thinking professionals to go green in the office. To help you get […]
Sound the retreat
Have you ever found yourself wondering what everyone else is getting up to on their days off? Do you ruin your own holiday with niggling fears your best managers are off seeking new roles with rival companies? It’s time for you to take a break… and bring the gang. The notion of a company retreat […]
Give stress a dressing down
You don’t have to be Yoda in a bathrobe to stay perfectly calm under pressure. As a species, our minds and bodies are capable of dealing with low or moderate stress. In fact, a pressurised environment can even inspire us to take on challenges and achieve more than we thought possible. But, when anxiety becomes […]
Top five trick interview questions
Did you know a manager is likely to throw some trick questions at you during your interview? Of course you did. That’s why you’re already one of the strongest candidates for the top positions on [site_name] But just in case, here are our top five queries… and the best answers to keep up your sleeve. […]